Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Grab your Girlfriends!

 Grab your Girlfriends!

Dress up, look cute, wear that favorite shade of lipstick and come take professional photos with me! Since I can remember friendship has been so important to me, now going on 10+ years with some of my dear friends, the memories and miles we have together are priceless. I have been in their weddings, watch them get engaged, watch them fall in love, watch their heart get broken, celebrated when they announced they were pregnant and also when they became a mom, stayed up all night, tearful phone calls, shopping, dancing parties and laughing so hard sometimes you wet your pants; truly what you share with your best friends.

But, now we are growing up... 

I came up with this idea in the dead of winter, go figure living in the midwest and getting stuck inside the negative degree weather! I thought to myself, I want to do this with my girlfriends so why not do it for other groups of girls as well! Here is where the idea began, my pitch to you :) We are growing up and our priorities are changing, marriage, babies, full time jobs, moving miles or states away, whatever it is, it's something! We all get together as much as we can but its tricky with the different lives we are living today. When we do find the time to get together we put our phones down, because we want to be more intentional, with the occasional boomerang or the cute coffee shop photo we post. Our cell phone framed photos from post high school are probably in a box covered in dust, or on a shelf we don't pass often, because our lives are changing, and that is okay. 

So, what I would love is for you to grab your girlfriends, of any age, or grab your mom or your sister, get dressed up and take updated fun photos! You wont have that awkward selfie angel, or the harsh light that can make you look like you have two chins, you won't have to keep them saved on your phone or only post them on social media. You can print the photos and put them in beautiful frames that align with your home decor! Photography has come such a long way and it's so easy to get access to a full gallery that you can revisit again and again, and keep printing + framing your favorite images of you and your best friends!

This idea + movement is so important to me, I have monthly dinners still planned with my high school girlfriends, and now college too. Another group of friends and I get together twice a year for a full weekend, it's the best way to truly catch up! A simple text or a 5 minute phone call goes such a long way! I hate the word busy, I really do. We need to choose to make the time, whether it's a lunch date, road trip, phone call, over night, or quick coffee because you are passing through town, because we need each other.

If you get down to the bottom of this, do me a favor. Text, email or call one of your best friends. Tell them you are thinking of them, you miss them and how great they are. Then make it a priority to get something on the calendar, next week, next month or before Christmas!  Our lives are so consumed with so many things, but don't let too much time pass until you are face to face with your best friends.
